Navigating the Evolving Landscape: New Health Insurance Claim Rules in 2024

New Health Insurance Claim Rules in 2024

New Health Insurance Claim Rules -Health insurance plays a vital role in safeguarding our financial well-being during medical emergencies. With rising healthcare costs, having a robust health insurance plan is more crucial than ever. However, understanding the intricacies of filing claims can sometimes be overwhelming. To ensure a smoother experience, staying updated on the latest claim rules is essential.

This article delves into the key changes implemented in health insurance claim rules in 2024, empowering you to navigate the evolving landscape with greater clarity.

Reduced Waiting Period for Pre-existing Conditions:

One of the most significant changes pertains to the waiting period for pre-existing conditions. Previously, policyholders had to wait for four years before receiving coverage for specific illnesses or treatments (except accidents) pre-diagnosed within three years of policy initiation. This waiting period often posed a financial burden during critical situations.

Fortunately, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has reduced the waiting period to three years. This implies that after three years of continuous policy coverage, including portability and migration, your pre-existing conditions will be covered, provided the policy is renewed without interruption. This revision offers a welcome relief, allowing policyholders to access essential medical care sooner.

New Health Insurance Claim Rules

Shorter Moratorium Period:

Another noteworthy change concerns the moratorium period. This refers to the initial period during which the insurer can deny claims based on non-disclosure of pre-existing conditions or misrepresentation of facts. Earlier, the moratorium period stood at eight years.

The IRDAI has now reduced it to five years. This implies that after five years of continuous policy coverage, the insurer cannot reject claims on grounds of non-disclosure or misrepresentation, except for proven cases of fraud. This revision strengthens policyholder protection and fosters trust in the insurance system.

Enhanced Transparency Through the Customer Information Sheet (CIS):

To empower policyholders with better decision-making, a simplified Customer Information Sheet (CIS) was introduced in January 2024. This standardized document acts as a one-stop resource for crucial policy details, including:

  • Claim settlement turnaround time for both pre-authorization of cashless facilities and final bill authorization.
  • Coverage details for specific illnesses and treatments.
  • Exclusions or limitations within the policy.
  • Financial limits like sub-limits, co-payments, and deductibles.
  • Obligations of the policyholder, emphasizing the importance of disclosing pre-existing conditions.
  • A list of blacklisted hospitals where claims might not be accepted.

This comprehensive CIS empowers you to understand your policy coverage thoroughly, file claims efficiently, and manage expectations regarding claim settlement timelines.

Focus on Expanding Coverage for AYUSH Treatments:

In recognition of the growing popularity of alternative healthcare practices, the new regulations encourage the inclusion of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy) treatments within health insurance policies. Insurers are now mandated to offer policies that treat AYUSH therapies on par with conventional medical treatments, provided they are administered in authorized hospitals following specified guidelines.

This inclusion caters to a wider segment of the population who prefer holistic healthcare approaches and expands the scope of health insurance coverage.

Implications of the New Rules:

These changes within the health insurance claim landscape offer several advantages for policyholders:

  • Increased affordability: Reduced pre-existing condition waiting periods allow for earlier coverage, potentially reducing financial burdens during medical emergencies.
  • Enhanced protection: The shorter moratorium period strengthens policyholder rights and discourages claim denials based on technicalities.
  • Improved transparency: The standardized CIS fosters better informed decision-making and streamlines claim filing processes.
  • Expanded coverage options: The inclusion of AYUSH treatments caters to a broader spectrum of healthcare preferences.
New Health Insurance Claim Rules

Important Considerations:

While the new regulations offer significant benefits, it’s crucial to remember these key points:

  • Choosing the right plan: With a wider range of coverage options, carefully evaluate your health needs and budget when selecting a health insurance plan.
  • Maintaining continuous coverage: Ensure timely renewal of your policy to avoid breaks that could reset the waiting period for pre-existing conditions.
  • Accurate disclosure: Always disclose pre-existing conditions truthfully during policy application to prevent claim rejections later.
  • Understanding exclusions: Familiarize yourself with policy exclusions to avoid claim denials for treatments not covered by your plan.
  • Claim intimation timelines: Adhere to the claim intimation timeframes stipulated in your policy to expedite claim processing.

Read Also :Long-Term Health Insurance Policies


The revised health insurance claim rules in 2024 represent a positive step towards a more efficient, transparent, and inclusive healthcare insurance system. By staying informed about these changes and making informed choices, you can navigate the health insurance landscape with greater confidence and ensure you have the necessary financial protection when medical emergencies arise.


What is the biggest change regarding pre-existing conditions?

The waiting period for pre-existing conditions has been reduced from four years to three years. This means you’ll be covered for pre-existing illnesses after three years of continuous policy coverage.

How does the new moratorium period work?

The moratorium period, where insurers can deny claims for non-disclosure, has been shortened from eight years to five years. After five years of continuous coverage, the insurer cannot reject claims based on this reason (except for fraud).

What is the Customer Information Sheet (CIS)?

The CIS is a standardized document that provides key details about your health insurance policy, including coverage details, exclusions, claim settlement timelines, and your obligations.

Are AYUSH treatments now covered by health insurance?

Yes, insurers are now encouraged to offer plans that cover AYUSH treatments administered in authorized hospitals following specific guidelines.

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